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 Assisting the Palestinian water Authority in the development of fund-raising proposal for the proposed Tulkarem Wastewater Treatment Plant and the reuse scheme,

The main objective of this assignment is to support PWA in acquiring the permit from the Israeli Side for the construction of Tulkarem wastewater Treatment Plant. Furthermore, this assignment aims to review the regulatory requirements, planning considerations, treatment technology and institutional setup as proposed by the existing feasibility study (FS) titled “Regional Wastewater Disposal Tulkarem – Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study, Preparation of Final Design and Tender Documents, Assistance to PEA in Tendering and Contracting” prepared by JV DAHLEM. IGIP, Arabtech Jardaneh in 2009, taking into consideration the most recent existing conditions.


 The objective of this consultancy services is to review the regulatory requirements, planning considerations, treatment technology and institutional setup as proposed by the existing feasibility study (FS), taking into consideration the most recent existing conditions, and prepare a roadmap for the implementation of Tulkarem WWTP project. The Consulting Services are subdivided into the following parts:

Part 1: Validation of the existing Tulkarem WWTP documents taking into consideration the most recent existing conditions. This includes updating of the hydraulic loads, organic loads, influent characteristics, effluent quality and technology selection.

Part 2: Preparation of a roadmap for the implementation of Tulkarem WWTP project.  Part 3: Preparation of scope of work for carrying out a comprehensive analysis and detailed design for the development of Tulkarem Wastewater treatment plant.

Date of completion

April 2023



