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Construction Supervision for Tukaram wastewater collection System Improvement

Project Overview

The primary objective of this project is to expand and improve Tulkarem City’s current wastewater collection system by adding new sewer pipelines to underserved areas and increasing the capacity and functionality of the IPS, thereby eliminating raw sewage flows that currently pass through Wadi Al Teen. As a result, the number of people with access to safe sanitation will increase, environmental protection will improve, and groundwater resources will be protected from contamination.

The project includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:

  • Construction of Irtah Pump Station and associated work.
  • Work at the Oxidation Ponds, including installation of screen, flowmeter, and associated work.
  •  Construction of approximately 6,800 meters of new gravity sewers, with the additional option of 2,500 meters.
  • Construction of approximately 2,700 meters of force main between the Irtah Pump Station and Oxidation Ponds.
  • Reconstruction of approximately 3,000 meters of roads between the Irtah Pump Station and Oxidation Ponds.
  • Training, testing and commissioning, and 30 days of continuous operations of the entire project.


  • Construction supervision and contract administration; Cost, time, and quality management.
  • Coordination with relevant stakeholders and authorities.
  • Reporting
  • Quantity takeoff measurements and approval of payments.
  • As built drawings, operational manual and closure of the project.

Date of completion

On Going




Construction Management

Prime Consultant