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Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation Trainings for The Palestinian Agricultural Sector

Narrative Description of Project:
The training assignment took place in the West Bank to enhance the capacity of the technical staff of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and partners in delivering advisory services to CIZ Livelihood Program beneficiaries, who are subsistence farmers, women groups, and farmer organizations, mainly cooperatives. The Training theme is: Management of natural resources to adapt with climate change, and it includes the topics presented below:

  • Introduction to climatology, climate Change and climate change effects in Palestine.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Measures: Water Harvesting.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Measures: Pest Management.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Measures: Livestock Management.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Measures: Soil Management.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Measures: Irrigation Methods. S

Description of Actual Services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Prepare training packages that include training plans, training materials, assignment of trainers, and logistics arrangements.
  • Schedule training events in coordination with the GIZ, so that the GIZ was able to send invitations to Stackholders accordingly.
  • Implemente 12 training events; 2 for each module topic
  • Prepare training certificates of the participants and were distributed them on the last day of each training event.
  • Prepare a final report about the training events with detailed information about each training event concerning the training
  • objectives, approach, participants evaluation of the training, recommendations for upcoming training events, etc.


Ramallah/ Palestine



